Results for 'Gretchen S. Dieck'

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    Posture Pictures, Permission, and Privacy Protection.Gretchen S. Dieck - 1981 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 3 (10):6.
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    Le visage de l'autre.Emmanuel Lévinas & Martin tom Dieck - 2001
    Ce livre-d'art s'articule autour de 30 citations du philosophe Emmanuel Levinas illustrées par le peintre Martin Tom Dieck.
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    Behavioral Integrity: Examining the Effects of Trust Velocity and Psychological Contract Breach.Gretchen R. Vogelgesang, Craig Crossley, Tony Simons & Bruce J. Avolio - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (1):175-190.
    Leader behavioral integrity (BI) is central to perceived credibility and thus to leaders’ effectiveness at fostering ethical and other climates. Our research broadens the theoretical foundation for BI research by integrating the cognitive–attributional role of trust in the formation and maintenance of leader BI perceptions. Guided by recent research on trust primacy and prior theories of fairness used to examine ethical behavior, we examine how perceptions of leader BI can be either diminished or maintained through trust velocity following a psychological (...)
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    Casual Hookups to Formal Dates: Refining the Boundaries of the Sexual Double Standard.Gretchen R. Webber, Sinikka Elliott & Julie A. Reid - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (5):545-568.
    “Hooking up,” a popular type of sexual behavior among college students, has become a pathway to dating relationships. Based on open-ended narratives written by 273 undergraduates, we analyze how students interpreted a vignette describing a heterosexual hookup followed by a sexless first date. In contrast to the sexual script which holds that women want relationships more than sex and men care about sex more than relationships, students generally accorded women sexual agency and desire in the hookup and validated men’s post-hookup (...)
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    Ugliness: a cultural history.Gretchen E. Henderson - 2015 - London: Reaktion Books.
    'Ugly as sin', 'ugly duckling', 'rear its ugly head'. The word 'ugly' is used freely, yet it is a loaded term: from the simply plain and unsightly to the repulsive and even offensive, definitions slide all over the place. Hovering around 'feared and dreaded', ugliness both repels and fascinates. But the concept of ugliness has a lineage that has long haunted our cultural imagination. Gretchen E. Henderson explores perceptions of ugliness through history, from ancient Roman feasts to medieval grotesque (...)
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    Familiarity and time preferences: Decision making about treatments for migraine headaches and Crohn's disease.Gretchen B. Chapman, Richard Nelson & Daniel B. Hier - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 5 (1):17.
  7.  72
    Conversational Cooperation Revisited.Gretchen Ellefson - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (4):545-571.
    It is commonly accepted that conversation is, in some sense, cooperative. This is due in part to Paul Grice’s articulation of the Cooperative Principle, which states that participants should “make [their] conversational contributions such as is required...” (1989, 26). Yet the significance of this principle, as well as the notion of cooperation that is entailed, is up for interpretation. For example, there are several ways of understanding what kind of force the Cooperative Principle is supposed to have: it could be (...)
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    Nation-building confessions: Carceral memory in postgenocide rwanda.Gretchen Baldwin - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):159-181.
    The postconflict Rwandan state has crafted a “we are all Rwandans” national identity narrative without ethnicity, in the interest of maintaining a delicate, postgenocide peace. The annual genocide commemoration period called Kwibuka—“to remember”—which takes place over the course of one hundred days every year, is an underresearched part of this narrative. During the commemoration period, génocidaires’ confessions increase dramatically; these confessions lead the government to previously undiscovered graves all over the country, just as confessions given during the grassroots justice system—gacaca—did (...)
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    Is Hymenoplasty Anti-Feminst?Gretchen Heinrichs - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (2):172-175.
    Hymenoplasty is a practice that must be judged from within its cultural confines and not only from outside. It offers women who have grown up within the sexual norms of a Western society the chance to return to their parental culture, with its female-specific virginity expectations. Hymenoplasty allows women to be sexually active prior to marriage, which equalizes the discrepancy between gender norms on premarital sexual experience. Caution is needed when comparing hymenoplasty to female genital mutilation. However, comparing hymenoplasty to (...)
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    Urake and the gender roles of Partonope of Blois.Gretchen Mieszkowski - 2004 - Mediaevalia 25 (2):181-195.
    This paper is concerned with the inverted gender roles portrayed in the Middle English Partonope of Blois, and the part played by Urake in realigning them. The relationship between hero and heroine begins with Partonope in a female passive role as a "kept man," and Melior in a male dominating role as a sexually self-assured woman who chooses the man she wants and controls him. Urake, one of the most unusually interventionistic of romance go-betweens, saves Partonope's life and prepares him, (...)
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    Three Aristotelian Moments in Husserl’s Phenomenological Account of Truth.Gretchen Gusich - 2016 - International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (4):429-443.
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    Awarding Grants: One Author's Personal Guide to Ethical Participation in the Act of Giving Out Money.Gretchen Leslie - 2007 - Journal of Information Ethics 16 (1):28-41.
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    Civitas to Congregation: Augustine’s Two Cities and John Bale’s Image of Both Churches.Gretchen E. Minton - 1999 - Augustinian Studies 30 (2):237-256.
  14.  50
    Interdisciplinary Disorientation: A Student's Perspective.Gretchen Sween - 1991 - Philosophica 48.
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    Women's exchange in the U.s. Garage sale: Giving gifts and creating community.Gretchen M. Herrmann - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (6):703-728.
    Transactions in the U.S. garage sale range from the commercial to the giftlike, in a Maussian sense. As two-thirds of the participants, women create a sense of community through garage sale exchange. This article explores how women, partly differentiated along lines of race and class, solidify their personal relationships, transmit something of themselves with their possessions, transform their own lives in the process, and contribute to a broader spirit of community through the generalized reciprocity and even moral economy that manifests (...)
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    The Roman Stoics: Self, Responsibility, and Affection.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils - 2005 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Roman Stoics of the imperial period developed a distinctive model of social ethics, one which adapted the ideal philosophical life to existing communities and everyday societal values. Gretchen Reydams-Schils’s innovative book shows how these Romans—including such philosophers as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Hierocles, and Epictetus—applied their distinct brand of social ethics to daily relations and responsibilities, creating an effective model of involvement and ethical behavior in the classical world. _The Roman Stoics_ reexamines the philosophical basis that instructed social practice in (...)
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    Cognitive processes and biases in medical decision making.Gretchen B. Chapman & Arthur S. Elstein - 2000 - In Gretchen B. Chapman & Frank A. Sonnenberg, Decision making in health care: theory, psychology, and applications. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 183--210.
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    Demiurge and Providence: Stoic and Platonist readings of Plato's Timaeus.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils - 1999 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    Of the rich legacy of the Timaeus, this study deals with the cross-pollination between Stoic and Platonist readings of Timaeus, spanning the period from Plato's writings to that of the so-called Middle Platonist authors. Plato's Timaeus and Stoic doctrine had their fates intertwined from very early on, both in polemical and reconciliatory contexts. The blend of Platonic and Stoic elements ultimately constituted one of the main conceptual bridges between the pagan tradition on the one hand and the Judeo-Christian, in its (...)
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    Calcidius on Plato’s Timaeus. Greek Philosophy, Latin Reception and Christian Contexts.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first study to assess in its entirety the fourth-century Latin commentary on Plato's Timaeus by the otherwise unknown Calcidius, also addressing features of his Latin translation. The first part examines the authorial voice of the commentator and the overall purpose of the work; the second part provides an overview of the key themes; and the third part reassesses the commentary's relation to Stoicism, Aristotle, potential sources, and the Christian tradition. This commentary was one of the main channels (...)
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    Plato's Timaeus as Cultural Icon.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils (ed.) - 2003 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    New forms of transnational mobility and diasporic belonging have become emblematic of a supposed global condition of uprootedness. Yet much recent theorizing of our so-called postmodern life emphasizes movement and fluidity without interrogating who and what is on the move. This book examines the interdependence of mobility and belonging by considering how homes are formed in relationship to movement. It suggests that movement does not only happen when one leaves home, and that homes are not always fixed in a single (...)
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    Responses to “Goldilocks and Mrs. Ilych: A Critical Look at the 'Philosophy of Hospice'” (CQ Vol 6 No 3) by Felicia Ackerman. [REVIEW]Gretchen M. Brown - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (2):206-207.
    The critical look at hospice care by Felicia Ackerman in Vol. 6 of the CambridgeQuarterly requires a response, since the author presents her view as having major implications for health policy. As a healthcare executive with over 25 years experience, and as a spokesperson for both my own program and others in the National Hospice Work Group, twelve of the nation's largest nonprofit hospices, I submit that her analysis of hospice care is naive. Ackerman's lack of practical understanding concerning the (...)
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    Beyond polarization: using Q methodology to explore stakeholders’ views on pesticide use, and related risks for agricultural workers, in Washington State’s tree fruit industry.Nadine Lehrer & Gretchen Sneegas - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):131-147.
    Controversies in food and agriculture abound, with many portrayed as conflicts between polarized viewpoints. Framing such controversies as dichotomies, however, can at times obscure what might be a plurality of views and potential common ground on the subject. We used Q methodology to explore stakeholders’ views about pesticide safety, agricultural worker exposure, and human health concerns in the tree fruit industry of central Washington State. Using a purposive sample of English and Spanish-speaking agricultural workers, industry representatives, state agencies, educators, and (...)
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  23. Perceiving and reasoning about objects: Insights from infants.Elizabeth S. Spelke & Gretchen A. Van de Walle - 1993 - In Naomi Eilan, Rosaleen A. McCarthy & Bill Brewer, Spatial representation: problems in philosophy and psychology. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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  24. Nature and social ethics.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2021 - In Jed W. Atkins & Thomas Bénatouïl, The Cambridge Companion to Cicero's Philosophy. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    A Critical Examination of the AICPA’s New “Conceptual Framework” Ethics Protocol.Albert D. Spalding & Gretchen R. Lawrie - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1135-1152.
    What does it look like when an organization tentatively steps away from an exclusively rules-based regime and begins to attend to both rules and principles? What insights and guidance can ethicists and ethical theory offer? This paper is a case study of an organization that has initiated such a transition. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has begun a turn toward the promotion of ethical principles and best practices by adding a “conceptual framework” to its existing Code of Professional (...)
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    An Anthology of Snakebites: On Women, Love and Philosophy.Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils - 2001 - Seven Bridges PressLlc.
    Like eavesdropping on an intimate exchange, these 40 vignettes evoke a conversation between two very different women about motherhood, intellectual aspirations, philosophy, and emotional and spiritual life.
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    Psychometric Properties of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale and Its Short Forms in Adults With Emotional Disorders.Lauren S. Hallion, Shari A. Steinman, David F. Tolin & Gretchen J. Diefenbach - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Impact of Dobbs on US Graduate Medical Education.Amirala S. Pasha, Daniel Breitkopf & Gretchen Glaser - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):497-503.
    The Dobbs decision will directly affect patients and reproductive rights; it will also impact patients indirectly in many ways, one of which will be changes in the physician workforce through its impact on graduate medical education. Current residency accreditation standards require training in all forms of contraception in addition to training in the provision of abortion. State bans on abortions may diminish access to training as approximately half of obstetrics and gynecology residency programs are in states with significant abortion restrictions. (...)
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  29. Stoicized Readings of Plato's Timaeus in Philo of Alexandria.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 1995 - The Studia Philonica Annual 7:85-102.
  30. Plato’s World Soul: Grasping Sensibles without Sense-Perception.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 1997 - In T. Calvo & L. Brisson, Interpreting the Timaeus-Critias: Proceedings of the IV Symposium Platonicum. Academia Verlag. pp. 261-265.
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    Meta-Discourse: Plato's Timaeus according to Calcidius.Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2007 - Phronesis 52 (3):301-327.
    This paper brings Calcidius' 4th. c. AD Latin commentary on Plato's Timaeus into the fold of research on the methodological assumptions and hermeneutical practices of the ancient commentary tradition. The first part deals with the question of how Calcidius sets his role as a commentator in relation to the original text, to his audience, and to the Platonist tradition. The second part examines the organizing principles and structuring devices of the commentary, and what these can tell us about connections between (...)
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    Uncovering the Moral Compass.Kimberly S. Peer & Gretchen A. Schlabach - 2010 - Teaching Ethics 11 (1):55-73.
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    Humanizing Education: Critical Alternatives to Reform.Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Kristy S. Cooper, Sherry S. Deckman, Christina L. Dobbs, Chantal Francois, Thomas Nikundiwe & Carla Shalaby (eds.) - 2010 - Harvard Educational Review.
    _Humanizing Education_ offers historic examples of humanizing educational spaces, practices, and movements that embody a spirit of hope and change. From Dayton, Ohio, to Barcelona, Spain, this collection of essays from the _Harvard Educational Review_ carries readers to places where people have first imagined—and then organized—their own educational responses to dehumanizing practices and conditions. Contributors include Montse Sánchez Aroca, William Ayers, Kathy Boudin, Fernando Cardenal, Jeffrey M. R. Duncan-Andrade, Marco Garrido, Jay Gillen, Maxine Greene, Kathe Jervis, Nancy Uhlar Murray, Valerie (...)
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    Validation of the Policy Advocacy Engagement Scale for frontline healthcare professionals.Bruce S. Jansson, Adeline Nyamathi, Gretchen Heidemann, Lei Duan & Charles Kaplan - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (3):362-375.
    Background: Nurses, social workers, and medical residents are ethically mandated to engage in policy advocacy to promote the health and well-being of patients and increase access to care. Yet, no instrument exists to measure their level of engagement in policy advocacy. Research objective: To describe the development and validation of the Policy Advocacy Engagement Scale, designed to measure frontline healthcare professionals’ engagement in policy advocacy with respect to a broad range of issues, including patients’ ethical rights, quality of care, culturally (...)
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    Fear and learning in student teaching: Accountability as gatekeeper in social studies.Todd S. Hawley & Gretchen M. Whitman - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):105-115.
    Today's pre-service teachers grew up attending schools where high stakes testing and teacher accountability were the norm. Despite a substantial body of research focused on the influence high-stakes testing on the practices of novice social studies teachers, a gap exists regarding the accountability movement's influence on novice social studies teachers. This study focused explicitly on the influence high-stakes testing and the culture of accountability had on two pre-service social studies teachers during their student teaching experience. Our findings highlight the ways (...)
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  36. Impact of Capacity-Building Project on Socio-economic Well-being of Women in Higaonon Community.Gela Mae Zamayla, Astred Jill Catolpos, Gretchen Gonzaga & Manuel Caingcoy - 2024 - Asia Pacific Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences 22:20-34.
    Capacity-building projects are crucial for developing the skills of indigenous communities, fostering sustainable business growth, and empowering individuals. However, women in the Higaonon community had limited access to modern technologies and business management training. To address this gap, a project was implemented by the Non-Timber Forest Products- Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP), in collaboration with the Food Technology Department of Bukidnon State University. After several years of implementation, the project’s impact on the community remained uncertain. To evaluate this impact, a convergent mixed-methods (...)
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    Facing Death, Epicurus and His Critics. [REVIEW]Gretchen Reydams-Schils - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (4):909-911.
    James Warren analyzes Epicurus’ and Epicureans’ attitudes toward death in a dialogue with contemporary Anglo-American philosophy. His study is hard to put aside once one has started reading. The book’s structure flows very well, the reader finds anticipated questions addressed, and the arguments fit together seamlessly. This is top level work.
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    How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and Caregivers.Kelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi & Gretchen Roman - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How Policies and Practices in Medical Settings Impact Communication Access with Deaf Patients and CaregiversKelley Cooper, Maggie Russell, Debra Chaiken, Michael W. Mazzaroppi, and Gretchen RomanIntroductionWe are a group of Deaf community members, sign language interpreters, organizational leaders, and academic partners. We have a collective point of view about how policies and practices in medical settings impact communication access with Deaf patients and caregivers. Here, we account multiple (...)
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    The consortium ethics program: An approach to establishing a permanent regional ethics network. [REVIEW]Rosa Lynn Pinkus, Gretchen M. Aumann, Mark G. Kuczewski, Anne Medsger, Alan Meisel, Lisa S. Parker & Mark R. Wicclair - 1995 - HEC Forum 7 (1):13-32.
    This paper describes the first three-year experience of the Consortium Ethics Program (CEP-1) of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Medical Ethics, and also outlines plans for the second three-year phase (CEP-2) of this experiment in continuing ethics education. In existence since 1990, the CEP has the primary goal of creating a cost-effective, permanent ethics resource network, by utilizing the educational resources of a university bioethics center and the practical expertise of a regional hospital council. The CEP's conception and specific (...)
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    Parental Investment by Birth Fathers and Stepfathers.Jenni E. Pettay, Mirkka Danielsbacka, Samuli Helle, Gretchen Perry, Martin Daly & Antti O. Tanskanen - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (2):276-294.
    This study investigates the determinants of paternal investment by birth fathers and stepfathers. Inclusive fitness theory predicts higher parental investment in birth children than stepchildren, and this has consistently been found in previous studies. Here we investigate whether paternal investment varies with childhood co-residence duration and differs between stepfathers and divorced birth fathers by comparing the investment of (1) stepfathers, (2) birth fathers who are separated from the child’s mother, and (3) birth fathers who still are in a relationship with (...)
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    An empirical assessment of the short-term impacts of a reading of Deborah Zoe Laufer's drama Informed Consent on attitudes and intentions to participate in genetic research.Erin Rothwell, Jeffrey R. Botkin, Sydney Cheek-O'Donnell, Bob Wong, Gretchen A. Case, Erin Johnson, Trent Matheson, Alena Wilson, Nicole R. Robinson, Jared Rawlings, Brooke Horejsi, Ana Maria Lopez & Carrie L. Byington - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (2):69-76.
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    Gretchen Reydams-Schils. Calcidius on Plato's Timaeus: Greek Philosophy, Latin Reception, and Christian Contexts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. [REVIEW]Julieta Cardigni - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (1):237-242.
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    Gretchen Reydams-Schils: Calcidius on Plato’s Timaeus. Greek Philosophy, Latin Reception and Christian Context. [REVIEW]Claudia Lo Casto - 2022 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 43 (1):193-196.
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    Calcidius on Plato’s Timaeus. Greek Philosophy, Latin Reception and Christian Contexts, written by Gretchen Reydams-Schils.Carl O’Brien - 2022 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 17 (1):137-141.
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    Calcidius on Plato’s Timaeus: Greek Philosophy, Latin Reception, and Christian Contexts by Gretchen Reydams-Schils.Sara Ahbel-Rappe - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (2):396-398.
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    Reydams-Schils, Gretchen, Calcidius on Plato’s Timaeus – Greek Philosophy, Latin Reception and Christian Contexts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020, ix + 243 pp.Calcidius on Plato’s Timaeus – Greek Philosophy, Latin Reception and Christian Contexts. [REVIEW]Béatrice Bakhouche - 2022 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 104 (3):590-592.
  47.  19
    Review of Gretchen J. reydams-schils (ed.), Plato's Timaeus As Cultural Icon[REVIEW]Allan Silverman - 2003 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2003 (7).
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  48. The Roman Stoics: Self, Responsibility and Affection. By Gretchen Reydams-Schils. [REVIEW]William O. Stephens - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (2):438-443.
    This is a study of Roman adaptations of Stoic doctrine that seeks to portray a model of the self functioning as a mediator between philosophical and traditional values (1). The author’s aim is ‘to let the Roman Stoics’ self arise out of a comprehensive analysis of their extant philosophical work and to conduct that analysis from the vantage point of the specific question of social embeddedness. Such an approach yields a Stoic self that is constituted by the encounter between challenges (...)
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    Kant und die Religion - die Religionen und Kant.Reinhard Hiltscher & Stefan Klingner (eds.) - 2012 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Heute tritt die berühmte Gretchenfrage in das Bewusstsein der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften vor allem durch die Diskussionen um die"Rückkehr der Religionen" und die Frage nach dem Umgang mit den verschiedenen Spielarten des politisch-religiösen Fundamentalismus. Die zahlreichen Diskussionen dieser Themen in der breiteren Öffentlichkeit machen eines deutlich: Wenn über das Verhältnis von autonomer Vernunft und Religion diskutiert wird, steht zumindest implizit nahezu immer die monotheistische Offenbarungsreligion im Zentrum. Der Anspruch dieses Typs von Religion scheint am stärksten mit dem Anspruch autonomer Rationalität (...)
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    Über den begriff der negativen zahlen.Wilhelm Dieck - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7 (1):313-334.
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